Queens Sr Sec School

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House System

House System

The school is divided into four Houses. Each house is further subdivided into three groups as-SUB JUNIORS/JUNIORS/SENIORS, Each house is under the charge of a House Warden and has own prefects and House Captains, who are responsible for the tone of discipline in that House. All competitions, sports or co-curricular activities are held on Inter House basis. "House" loyalties are very strong in students.


The Primary Objectives of the House system are as follows :

  • To inculcate the feeling of a "family" and dissolve the barrier of junior-senior classes.
  • To give adequate opportunity to children to discover themselves in terms of leadership qualities, latent talents, aims and ambitions.
  • To provoke healthy competitive attitudes in all aspects of academic and non-academic areas.
  • The "Students body" consists of the school student council. A group of students from higher classes are carefully selected after scrutiny of their academic records, attitude and aptitude. All staff members have the responsibility to guide and monitor the performance of the student council. The student council has the following tasks to perform:
    • To set examples of disciplined individuals.
    • To co-ordinate and offer help in all school functions.
    • To give meaningful feedback information to the Principal towards changes if required in various school routines.
    • To perform all above tasks cheerfully, willingly and maintaining their own high academic performance.