Queens Sr Sec School

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  • Pupils must be punctual at the beginning of the day, for all subject classes and activities.
  • Attendance for morning Assembly is compulsory. At the end of the Assembly, students shall proceed in silence to their classrooms.
  • For every absence, a written statement, signed by the Parent/ Guardian is required on the day the pupil returns. If a student is absent for more than 3 days for reasons of ill health a certificate from a doctor is required stating illness and fitness.
  • A student who arrives late will require to bring an explanatory note from the parent/guardian.
  • All explanatory notes for absence/late arrival should be handed over to the class teacher. No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class, without the permission of the Principal.
  • Outside the vacation period pupils are not granted leave. Prior permission should be sought for absence from the School for any reason known or planned in advance.
  • Students absent for more than 20% of class meetings in a year shall not be eligible for a passing grade examination in that course.

    • Students who are regularly sick and fall short of the required 80% of attendance may be asked to leave the school on grounds of physical unfitness.
    • Students who remain absent for more than one cycle test in a cycle in any subject, will be marked zero in all subsequent tests where he/she is absent. No average marking in this case will be considered.
    • No leave will be granted during the test week.
    • Absence from the school on the day prior to the day of exam will not be condoned in any form.
  • Students late for the 3rd time in a term will be marked absent for 1 day.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave School early unless Parents/ Guardians present a written note to the office. Express permission by the Principal is necessary.
  • In case of infectious diseases the parents are required to submit a medical certificate to the effect that the child is fit to rejoin.
  • Attendance on the first day of the School after vacations is absolutely essential. Pupils who do not join School on this day are liable to forfeit their places. Re-admission may be considered. The names of pupils who remain absent without leave for one school week may be struck off the rolls. A punitive fine may be imposed on late corners as a measure of exemplary punishment.
  • Any unscheduled holidays may be made good by the school without prior intimation to parents/guardians.
  • Confirmation regarding any unscheduled holidays can be done by checking the school website or the notice board at the gate but not with the Janitor.