Queens Sr Sec School

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Director Message

Director Message

A Word From The Director

Education is an unending life process and Queen's strives to be a gateway to this process. School life is valued to be the best experience of one's life. It is the phase of life, where we learn to express, to create and to explore, to inspire and to innovate thoughts and ideas. It is a child's school experience that sets the stage for success in life, leaves them with a lifetime of positive memories, diverse ideas and values. We began Queen's humble journey towards excellence on 7th May, 1992. Every single step taken has helped us to create an environment of happiness and positivity towards learning. It has indeed been a splendid journey since 1992 to see pupils evolving into confident learners.

Today as we stand on the doorstep of the 21st century-an icon of new knowledge taking birth from the womb of modern technology and awareness, we as cohorts of this stimulating education need to understand the changing mind set. Digital Revolution which affects us all, it has permeated most aspects of education and culture. It is just a tool that strengthens the journey towards the horizon of knowledge. It is the confidence, the urge to learn and the eagerness to take up challenges that will make our students successful global citizens.

It is our sincere attempt at Queen's to work together to weave the thread of the young minds, the seeds of curiosity, creativity, confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skill that would help them to continue the learning process and transforming their dreams and desires into reality. All staff members strive hard to inculcate in students the value of respect, tolerance, resilience, empathy and this smart knowledge and values will act as pillars to help them carve in the fast transforming world as global citizen. It is elaborate to give our children unforgettable childhood days and teach them the importance of human life and the true meaning of holistic learning. I take this opportunity to wish Principal, staff, the editor and the brilliant writers for their herculean endevour to make this magazine informative precise and apposite. School Magazine provide a wonderful platform to the young and promising kids of the school to convey their feelings through different mediums of expression which enables them to develop the habit of writing through imagination. With best wishes, we pledge to work for every child and in the process, open new vistas in the area of education.

Mrs. Lily Singh
