Queens Sr Sec School

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C.C.E & Promotion Criteria

C.C.E & Promotion Criteria

What is C.C.E.

Stands for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation system. It is a system of School based Evaluation of students that covers all aspects of a student's development. It covers both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of student's growth and development.


Main features of C. C.E

Diagnostic of C.C.E.
Provides the platform for active involvement of students.
Recognizes student's need.
Offers an opportunity to students to improve their work after feedback.


Objectives of C. C.E.

To develop cognitive, psychomotor and effective skills.
To lay emphasis on thought process.
To make evaluation an integral part of teaching and learning.
De-emphasis memorization.


Norms of Promotion

There will be two summative assessments (written examination) for students of classes Ito VIII and two summative assessments for the students of classes IX to XII. Besides these, there will be regular class tests, unit tests, group work, assignments, project work, quiz etc which are called formative assessment. Promotion to the next higher class will depend upon your child's overall performance which will include academic performance and co-curricular and non-scholastic activities like

    • For Nursery, Lower & Upper K.G There is no formal examination. In these classes, pupils will be awarded grades on 5 point scale under the heads (A,B,C,D & E). No numerical scores will be awarded for their academic achievements.


      • Five Point Scale
      • A : Excellent — above 90%
      • B : Very Good — above 70% & below 90%
      • C : Good — above 60% & below 70%
      • D : Fair, — above 40% & below 60%
      • E : Needs improvement — below 40%


    • For Classes : I — V
      • The academic session will be divided into two terms :
      • First Term : April to September
      • It will include Five Monthly Tests, Projects, Internal Assessment
      • Second Term : October to March
      • It will include Five Monthly Tests, Projects, Internal Assessment


    • For Classes : VI to IX & XI
      • First Term April to September
      • It will include I and II Unit Tests & Half Yearly Examination, Projects, Internal Assessment
      • Second Term October to March
      • It will include III and IV Unit Tests & Annual Examination, Projects, Internal Assessment
      • A pupil must have a minimum of 80% of the total attendance during the academic session.
      • Please note that absence from any examination (Except Annual only) will be condoned on account of illness duly supported by a medical certificate. The benefit of Medical Certificate will only be given if it is submitted on the first day of the absenteeism.


    • Promotion rules for the classes 1-X:

      A Child's performance throughout the year will be evaluated by CCE Pattern as per the guidelines of CBSE Board. No numerical scores will be awarded for their academic achievements. Pupils will be awarded grades on 9 Point scale as follows:

      Marks RangeGradeGrade Point
      91-100 A1 10.0
      81-90 A2 9.0
      71-80 B1 8.0
      61-70 B2 7.0
      51-60 C1 6.0
      41-50 C2 5.0
      33-40 D 4.0
      20-32 E1  
      00-20 E2  


  • Promotion Criteria for Class XI :
    • A Total of 40% marks in each individual subject will be declared a ‘PASS’ .
    • Failing in one subject but securing a minimum of 25% in the subject will be allowed to appear for Re-Examination.
    • Failing in two subjects will not be promoted.